تركيبة مميزة لضمان تنشيط المجموع الجذري ودفع النبات الي التزهير وضمان عدم تفاعل الفوسفور مع كلا من الكالسيوم والماغنسيوم بفضل تكنولوجيا تارا تك
  • A unique formula to ensure activation of the root system, promote flowering, and prevent the reaction of phosphorus with both calcium and magnesium, thanks to Tara Tech technology


It is a phosphorous concentrated solution assimilable by the plant. Phosphorous chemical structure present in TARASOIL FOSFOTECH DUO avoids interactions of the element with the soil clays, enhancing the effectiveness of phosphorus application and the plants answer compared with other sources of the market. TARSOIL FOSFOTECH DUO can be jointly applied with most of the agrochemicals and it’s stable when applied with Calcium containing products.

The effect on the setting and blooming of Phosphorus present in TARASOIL FOSFOTECH DUO is potentiated thanks to the synergy with zinc and manganese present in the formulation, giving as a result a higher development of metabolic pathways, which are responsible of processes like setting and ATP formation, energy source of the plant.

Moreover, Phosphorus actively participates in photosynthesis, nutrients transportation; it acts as an energy accumulator of the energy needed for the plant in several metabolic processes and as booster of genetic transfer. Zinc is involved in the auxins biosynthesis that are responsible of vegetal growth, it is an activator of several metabolic processes and it takes part in the cell breathing process. Finally, Manganese is essential in the metabolic processes of auxins and Nitrogen, it’s an activator of Krebs cycle and it’s a catalyst of breathing reactions.

45% w/w Water-soluble phosphorus oxide
7,5% w/w Water-soluble potassium oxide
4,5% w/w Water-soluble zinc
3% w/w Water-soluble manganese
3,7% w/w Water-soluble sulfur





  • Phosphorous quickly assimilable by the plant
  • 100% assimilable zinc and manganese
  • It improves setting
  • Stable in application with calcium containing products
  • Quick answer
  • Energy input
  • It promotes blooming
  • It prepares the crop for any stress situation
 Instructions of use
Drip irrigation Foliar  crop
2-3liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) 1 liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) Fruit trees
2-3liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) 1 liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) Citrus
2-3liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) 1 liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) tomatoes
2-3liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) 1 liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) Olive trees
2-3liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) 1 liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) Onions and potatoes
2-3liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) 1 liter/feddan (for 1 transaction) Wheat and corn


  • TARSOIL FOSFOTECH DUO can be jointly with most of the agrochemicals and is stable if applied jointly with calcium containing products.
  • Do not mix with mineral oils, alkaline reaction products or sulphates containing products. Anyway, it is recommended carrying out compatibility tests before its application. To be used only in case of recognized need do not exceed the recommended dosages